My Blog
by Kris Denning
My Blog is where I share my insights about healing, well being, and soulful living.
Walk Every Day for Better Health (Corvallis is a great place to do it!) (Copy)
For countless reasons, many people have taken to the pavement and trails to find their health and their bliss. Here are a few good reasons to make walking and/or hiking your number one workout.
Reiki Energy Healing can Help Traumatized and Stressed Pets
Reiki energy healing is a wonderful option for stressed, traumatized, and ill pets. A compliment to any therapy.
If You Are Dairy Intolerant, Try A2 Milk
Sustainable A2/A2 cows milk may solve that dairy intolerance!
Why Reiki Energy Healing Makes You Feel Lighter
A Reiki energy healing session can make you feel so much lighter, here’s why.
Is Your (Inner) Child Running your Life?
Are you operating from your Whole Self? Or is your inner child steering the ship? Read on to find how this happens, and why most of us are in fact at the mercy of our inner child, and what we can do to reclaim our Whole Self!
10 Minutes Daily To Feed Your Soul
Connecting to your inner child energy is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself.
Emotions are Energy in Motion - So Let Them Move!
Emotions are Enery in Motion - So Let Them Move!
Do You Have a Fear of Joy?
How to know if you’ve been conditioned to fear joy, and how to open up and embrace it!
The Power of a Positive Affirmation
Affirmations are a powerful way to change your life for the better.