Reiki Energy Healing can Help Traumatized and Stressed Pets
This past week, I had the pleasure of doing a Reiki energy healing session on a cat who was experiencing some stress. All animals, just like people, are vulnerable to stresses and trauma in their lives. Trauma in animals can get stored in the body, just as it does in people if it isn’t dealt with and processed properly at the time. Animals who experience stress will often act out this trauma as fear, aggression, and behavioral “bad habits”, all of which can lead to physical health problems eventually. Some physical traumas can lead to emotional traumas, so it goes both ways.
Just like people, animals are made up of energy, like everything around us. And we all have a vital flow of energy in our bodies that keeps us alive and stable, and capable of flowing with the changes of life. At times when we experience trauma, this can create energetic blockages in our bodies, and often a stress response that is habitually produced. Animals have this too, which can cause them to act out any time they become stressed. Reiki energy healing is a way of sending in healing energy to flush out the toxic stuck energy and bring new life into the energy body.
Sweet pup I was working on, enjoying the tension release!
It has been a while since I have done an animal Reiki healing session. I haven't been talking about it or advertising it much, so I don't think many people realize that this is one of my offerings. I am trained and certified to do Animal Reiki healing, and honestly it is one of the most gratifying things I get to do.
I happened to be reading a Facebook post earlier this week that nearly broke my heart. A woman was trying to re-home her beloved cat, who was expressing stress response issues, like going potty outside of the litter box. Her veterinarian had given her Prozac, hormones, and medication, and nothing helped. The post said that her veterinarian was saying that she likely will need to give her behavioral euthanasia! I couldn't believe what I was reading, and I immediately said I could come and do an energy healing on the cat, and I felt sure that I could help.
Within an hour, I was at her home and in a room with this cat, who was a total sweetheart. I could tell that the woman had stress, and she had shared with me that this cat had been with her through a stressful and traumatic period earlier in her life. I explained to her that our animals, especially ones we are very bonded with, feel our trauma and just like humans, can hold the trauma response in their bodies. So it sounded to me like she was on a loop of reactivity to triggers that caused her stress. Loud noises, over-stimulation, etc.
Our pets, particularly the ones that are highly attuned to and bonded to us, pick up on our emotions. When we are going through tough times, they are feeling our discomfort. When we are going through stressful things like moving houses, having combative relationships, and bringing in new family members, it can be highly stressful for our pets. It is important to be mindful of them, and instead of getting angry at them for acting out, we must empathize with and understand that they are going through stress too.
I have been around animals my entire life and am highly attuned to them. I said that I believed that I could help reset her energy body to release the trauma she may be holding onto, and help her relax so that she is no longer in a trigger response all the time.
I sat with the kitty for a bit, and let her feel my energy and let her get to know me. Then she settled down about a foot away from me, and I began to send her Reiki. While the energy was flowing, there were many loud and soft sounds in the background, and even another cat swiping its paw under the door. Her body was learning to relax through all the the stimulation behind the doorway and outside. She just laid there pleasantly resting. After about 45 minutes we were done and the cat was noticeably relaxed. I could feel that she was different, and so could her owner. Her owner also had a deeper understanding of how their combined stress contributed to the cat's behavioral issues. I could feel that things would be different, and most importantly, that this cat would not be euthanized for this misunderstanding.
I touched base with the owner a few days later, and she shared that her cat was lying happily on her chest and was way less stressed. I told her I would be happy to return for a follow up if needed. Sometimes it takes only one session, sometimes more depending upon how many layers of trauma the animal is holding in their body. Age can be a factor in that, just as it can in people.
She said that she and this baby had been through a lot together, and I could feel that she was not only keeping her kitty but was cherishing their relationship once again. It made me so happy! I too have had very close bonds with my pets and one cat in particular that at a very stressful time in my life, was right there with me feeling all of it. How I wished I had Reiki back then! I'm so grateful for it now.
Reiki healing for pets works on all levels and often gets to the heart of physical problems. I have witnessed amazing healing response time and again with Reiki. Reiki energy healing is not a substitute for veterinary care of course, but it is an excellent compliment to any other care you are seeking. It can also be a way to help animals acclimate to new surroundings, and to heal faster from surgery and other related care.
Email me if you are interested in setting up a consultation call to see if I can help your pet. I typically do house calls when I work with animals, as it is often better to be in their own environment for the treatment. Before you consider giving up your pet, or certainly “behavioral euthanasia”, I encourage you to give energy healing a try. If you are ready to schedule a session, you can do it here. If you don’t see a time on my open appointment schedule that works for you, I am happy to open up a time that does, so reach out, and we will work it out. Wishing you and your pets all the best!