Online Classes

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Healthy to the Soul)

My classes are designed to lengthen, strengthen, and provide you with balance and peace. Pilates is all about core strengthening and full body toning, while Yoga provides you with greater balance, strength, and flexibility. My strength classes are short and sweet, and help to build muscle and tone the body. Sign Up and discover the variety of classes and options for your body and budget. Hope to see you in the Zoom workout room!

I have been taking yoga and pilates from Kris for a decade, in person, and now, on zoom. I have grown so much in my practice in strength, flexibility and peace of mind. This enables me to keep doing the things I love.
— C. Tasman

On-Demand Library

Access hundreds of different recorded classes including Pilates, Yoga, Meditation, Strength Training and Foam Rollout Classes to do on your own time plus sign up for my (pre-recorded) classes on the schedule to stay accountable!
Modifications included for all levels.


About My Classes


Pilates is the ultimate core strengthening, body maintaining exercise you can do. There’s a reason why most physical therapy exercises look similar to Pilates. This form of exercise conditions your body from head to toe creating length, strength, and symmetry. Excellent for rehabilitation and injury prevention. My classes are all designed for all levels, so options are always made available to make things easier or more challenging.


Quiet the mind and the soul will speak. Meditation is all about tuning out our incessant thoughts and connecting to our higher selves. Meditation has benefits that are far and wide physically, mentally, and emotionally. Get comfy, relax, and tune into your breath.


Yoga is a practice for optimizing the health of the body and quieting the mind. My Yoga classes begin seated with breath work and gentle movements of the neck and head. We then move through kneeling and standing poses, working into deeper stretches, balance work, and spine opening twists. We finish on our back with total relaxation. Again, modifications to poses are always made available.


Losing muscle as we age doesn’t have to be our reality. With regular strength training exercises we can increase our muscle mass at any age. In this 30 minute, twice weekly class, we use simple dumbbells to move through sets of various exercises that are designed to strengthen the entire body. Safety and form are emphasized throughout class.


I have been taking pilates classes from Kris for three years now and her style, method, encouragement and positivity has made such a difference in my life. I recently had a surgical procedure and was feeling a bit discouraged during my healing process....until I saw Kris for a few Reiki sessions. What a difference it made for me. Peace, balance, and healing.
My strength was renewed and I look forward to spending more time with Kris in the very near future. What a beautiful gift she has!

–Lisa Cleary

This has been one of the best things to have come from the pandemic. Because of three things: the leadership, the comradeship, and the clear health benefits. This lovely group is a pleasure to get up for, and you don’t have to go beyond your living room to do it! This is of particularly benefit to me as the group is based in Corvallis, Oregon, and I live in San Jose!

–C. Holland

Kris is a gifted teacher who cares for each of her clients and who goes out of her way to prepare activities that serve their needs. She is also a lovely person with whom it is a pleasure to be associated. And, I love her cat, Walter, who greets us at each session.

–Brenda Gayle McCullough

Enjoyed your pace, variety, level of difficulty and length. Thanks, Kris!

–Eileen Tokuda

Kris is a professional, knowledgeable, approachable and caring Pilates/yoga instructor. Kris is warm and friendly and the atmosphere is calm and welcoming. We are encouraged to work at our own ability to help our bodies become healthier and stronger. Kris has helped me feel healthier generally, stronger physically, allowing me to do other activities, and she will help get you there too.

–Margo Lyons

Kris Denning is an amazing and very knowledgeable instructor. She gives very clear directions and explanations in yoga and pilates. She pays close attention to how each of us in her class is performing a given exercise or stretch. She is able to adjust every activity to accommodate individual abilities and in such a way that each person always benefits.

–Vreneli Farber

I am a professional bodybuilder. I’ve pressed my body to the edge and beyond many days. I realized that in order for me to stay in the sport and the game of “life”, I needed to develop a yoga regime. I hired Kris Denning. She has been my yoga Coach for four years! My range of motion and flexibility has increased tremendously with time and consistency. Kris has many creative methods to meet my specific need for the day. She has been truly Heathy To My Soul.

–Carolyn Hudson-Harris