The Power of a Positive Affirmation
Have you ever used an affirmation to improve your life before? There is so much power in a positive affirmation. Are you aware of what you continuously tell yourself about you, your life, and your situation? Did you know that what you say to yourself is like a program for how you want your life to be? With all that said, do you think you are affirming positive experiences for your life, or negative?
We all have a mind that likes to tell us stories. This is how meditation can help to improve our lives, by quieting our thoughts and making us more aware of what we are telling ourselves. Do you affirm worries, or do you affirm faith? Do you affirm illness or do you affirm health? Do you affirm scarcity, or do you affirm abundance? Every day our mind is an endless loop of affirmations and if we don’t hone in on what we want, we often affirm what it is that we don’t want in our lives.
Several years back when my daughter was starting middle school and we began butting heads over anything and everything, I could feel my worries becoming dominant. My worries were affirming that she was going to struggle and have difficulties if she wasn’t listening to my advice and following the rules I had set forth. I could see that I was getting nowhere with her but constant battling, then one day, an affirmation popped into my head.
“Let Her Be, Have Faith, Trust”.
I repeated this affirmation again and again, so instead of fighting with her, I surrendered to this knowing that she would be fine and I was to let go of the reigns and trust in her path. This allowed us to have a better relationship, and for me to let go of the anguish in losing control over her. After all, as our kids get older, we are supposed to let them begin to take the reins a bit, and it may be difficult, but it is necessary for our growth and for theirs. This was a powerful affirmation and I still use it today. Not just for her, but for anything I encounter that tries to become a worry. “Let It Be, Have Faith, Trust” has become a regular mantra in my life.
It doesn’t feel good to worry about outcomes, and in truth, whatever we dwell upon, grows. By Law of Attraction, that which we think about gets magnified in our lives. So isn't it empowering to know that not only can we veer away from negative outcomes by changing our thoughts, but we can create abundance, opportunity, and positive experiences by thinking better thoughts!
We spend much of our lives believing things about ourself and our situations that may not actually be true at all, but through our thoughts we have made them true. For example, if we grew up believing money was scarce, we can create that situation in our lives. If we felt like we weren’t smart, we can affirm that by dismissing our abilities to grasp concepts our brain is more than capable of. If we feel like we are unlovable, we will present ourselves as that, by the way we carry ourselves, and may block real love from entering our lives.
In order to change our lives, we must change our thoughts. Powerful, positive affirmations are a way of doing this. When I first began working with affirmations, I got myself a small journal like this with which to write and keep them in. When I could feel my mind stirring about something that didn’t feel good, I created a better, more empowering version of the thought, and wrote it in my journal. Then, every morning after my meditation, I sat with my book (still do), and read aloud the affirmations, so I could program my thoughts for the day. Soon, these thoughts became the dominant ones, and the fears and worries I once had were a thing of the past. My life has consistently changed for the better ever since.
Here are some of the affirmations that have helped to change my life. If any of them resonate with you, write them down and use them in your own affirmation book. Or, let them inspire you to create your own…
“I am connected to a higher power always, which nourishes me and guides me toward my greatest good.”
“Allowing my light to shine bright serves to illuminate others.”
“I am satisfied with where I am and eager for more.”
“I am responsible for my human experience, just as every other person is responsible for theirs.”
“I approve of myself, and have no need to seek approval from others.”
“I am worthy of receiving love and support from others.”
It’s okay for me to enjoy the life I’ve created. I am grateful.”
“I am as rich as can be, and it is setting me free.”
“Everything is always going my way, and I accumulate more money every day.”
“I have faith and trust that the Universe will provide.”
I hope you take notice of your own thoughts, and how they might be affecting your life. Know that you can create the life you want, and affirmations can be a simple way to provoke big change. You are worthy of love, joy, abundance, and all the good life has in store.