Raise Your Vibration With Gratitude

I’m sure you have heard people talk about positive vibes and negative vibes when referring to someone or something, but did you know that simple gratitude can foster good vibes in yourself? Maybe you have been in the presence of someone with particularly good vibes, and someone with bad vibes, and you have felt the contrast that brings. We, along with everything else in the Universe, are made up of energy vibrating continuously, at different frequencies.

The good news is that we have the power to alter the vibrational frequency that we are feeling and projecting out into the world. First, it is important to become aware of what you are feeling. Is it worry, stress, shame, guilt, or anger? Look within yourself and see where this may be coming from. Are you perhaps blaming something or someone outside of you for your current internal conditions? Perhaps something outside of you did happen, but your power to change your situation lies within you. So take your power back now.

It can be difficult to release yourself from the clutches of negative thought patterns, but when you do, all of life begins to change around you.

We create everything in our lives by our own perspective. If Law of Attraction states that we will attract into our world what we project out, then stewing on everything that is “wrong” in life will naturally draw in more experiences to prove our negative perspective. It is a cycle that can seem hard to break, and can lead to depression. Daily gratitude can break this cycle and lead you to a far more joyful life that draws in abundance, love, and opportunity.


There is always something one can be grateful for, if you just look. Maybe that is something right there - you can see. Not everyone can see, so if you can, that is a gift to be grateful for. If you are breathing, there is another gift right there. Can you find 5 things that you can be grateful for right now? Try and close your eyes and acknowledge and say thank you for 5 things right now. Don’t just say what you are thankful for, but try placing your hand on your heart and allow the feelings of gratitude to resonate with your personal vibrational frequency.

Don’t worry if you don’t feel a difference in your vibration immediately. It takes time to bury oneself in negative thought patterns and a low vibration, so it can take time to come out of it too. But like anything, with consistent practice, it gets way easier and eventually becomes second nature. A gratitude journal can be an excellent tool to help with this. Keep a journal or a notepad beside your bed, and before you go to sleep at night, make your list. Try to come up with at least 5 things and if more come, allow for that! Allow your eyes to close and immerse yourself in the thoughts of what is going right in your life and say thank you for those gifts. Drifting off to sleep this way will bring you better quality sleep and you are more likely to wake up on the “right” side of the bed…

What about times when it is hard to be grateful? Like when you are late and stuck in traffic? Those are times when I specifically reach for the gratitude. I like to think that getting stuck in traffic is a divine gift that somehow prevented me from getting into an accident. Anytime we have met a “roadblock” in life that is out of our control, what is in our control is how we view it. What feels better anyway? To be angry and allow our bodies to go into fight or flight mode over something we have no control over? Or is it better to take a breathe and allow difficult moments to pass without fighting them?

You have the power to change your own personal vibration, and therefore change your life outcomes. Life wants to work in your favor. The Universe really does have your back. But you must also have your back. It is up to you to change your focus from the negative, to the positive. What is going well? If there is only one thing you can think of to be thankful for, then think of that often. Put sticky notes up to remind you of that thing or several things you are grateful for. It won’t take long before more positive vibes emanate from your being, and positive experiences abound in your life.

And if you need a little more science to back this up before you begin your practice, read “The Neuroscience of Gratitude” by Andrew Humington. Another book on gratitude to try is “Gratitude, Let the Universe Do It’s Magic” by Dr. Neelam Himthani.

Don’t wait for Thanksgiving. Start being grateful today, and everyday, and watch your life blossom with good vibes all around you. You really can change your life. And that is something to be grateful for.


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