Thrive In Every Season, How to Be Happier in Winter

Fall used to be my favorite time of year. Watching the leaves changing colors is one of the most beautiful aspects of nature. Spring followed for me as a close second, as the flowers bloom and the newness of life creeps back in. Most everyone seems happy in the summer of course, what’s not to love? But it seems that winter typically has a bad rap unless you are an avid skier, which I am not.

For me, winter promised the possibility of a snowfall, which is nice. But that was the only beauty I used to find in winter. And that promise of snow was always limited, considering this is the Willamette Valley, and there is rarely snow here. I used to live for that chance of a beautiful snowfall to make winter more appealing! Then a couple of years ago, someone mentioned how interesting the tree branches looked in the winter, and I started to take notice.

The beauty of the bare bones branches against the cold winter sky has completely changed the way I look at this darkest season. Every time I walk outside, I gaze at these strong powerful tree branches and am hypnotized by their strength and stature. With the cold sky as a backdrop, even a dark rainy day can make these formerly unassuming tree branches look like masterpieces. Last summer I surprised myself, as I was imagining the bare trees once again. I wonder, could seasonal affective disorder be exacerbated by how we view this time of year?

When you look outside right now into the dark days of winter, what do you see? Is it dark and depressing, or peaceful and mesmerizing? Do you ever notice yourself waiting for the outer world to change before you can think more positively about life right now? Are you aware that positive thinking is associated with less chronic pain, less stress and anxiety, reduced blood pressure and an increased life span? These are among scores of other benefits.

Nature ebbs and flows without resistance. Fortunately for nature, it doesn’t have to listen to the judgmental thoughts of the human mind. These thoughts are part of our nature, but they don’t have to negatively affect our lives. We too can flow with the changes of life without “thinking” it harder than it needs to be.

If we can appreciate and find value in the dark times, trusting that there will again be light and warmth, we can make peace with the present. There is beauty to be found anytime and everywhere if we allow for it. As you go to sleep at night, and when you wake up, think about all that is good in your life. It takes practice, but you can train your thoughts to look for the positive. When you find yourself spiraling out on the negative, distract your mind with good music, a puzzle, or meditation. Exercise is always a great way to get out of negative mindset.

So next time you catch yourself rolling your eyes at the rain again, crack your window and listen to the beautiful sound of the falling raindrops against the pavement. Bundle up on a cold day for a walk outside, and find the beauty of the trees against the cold winter sky. You have the power to not only survive, but thrive, the whole year through with a simple shift in your point of view. See you in the Spring…



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